Tricks to Remember Currency of Various Countries

Here you can check a simple trick to remember currencies. It will help you for GK preparation in SSC IBPS SBI RRB, CSAT etc. Competitive Exam. Currency questions are asked in many competitive exams like what is the currency of …. Peso is the currency of …… At this page, you can find some big currency and their countries. Also easy tricks to remember the currency & its countries is provided to quick remembering. Remembering these Tricks will help you memorize currencies quickly and get better marks in your exam.
Here you will find currency used by various countries.
Each Capital Letter denotes country name’s first alphabet.

Learn Tricks to Remember Currency of Various Countries

1. Rupee: It is the currency of Srilanka, Seychelles, Pakistan, India, Nepal.
Countries with Rupee Currency:
Harbhajan Singh SPINS the ball well in Match.

S Srilanka
S Seychelles
P Pakistan
I India
N Nepal
M Mauritius

All these countries have their rupee currency. Also Indonesia have currency “Rupiah”.

Visualize: Harbhajan Singh SPINS the ball in the Match and the batsman gets beaten.

2. Dollar: It is the currency of USA, Canada, Singapore, NewZealand, Ecuador, Hongkong, Australia, Taiwan, Trinidad & Tobago, Bahamas, Belize, Barbados, Brunei, Canada, Fiji, Namibia countries.

Trick: “U CAN See my NEw HAT That airs on BBC ForeNoon.

  • U: USA
  • CAN: Canada
  • S in See: Singapore
  • N in NEw: Newzealand
  • E in NEw: Ecuador
  • H in HAT: Hongkong
  • A in HAT: Australia
  • T in HAT: Taiwan
  • T in ThaTs: Tobago
  • 2nd T in ThaTs: Trinidad
  • B: Bahamas, Belize
  • B: Barbados, Brunei
  • C: Canada
  • F: Fiji
  • N: Namibia

Visulize: You ask your US friend “U Can See my NEw HAT ThaT airs on BBC ForeNoon”.

3. Euro: It is the currency of Vaticancity, Cyprus, Germany, France, Finland, Portugal, Austria, Italy, Ireland, Netherlands, Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Malta, Solvania.
Trick to remember Euro Currency Countries: VC Goes For sPAIN.

  • V: Vaticancity
  • C: Cyprus
  • G: Germany, Greece
  • F: France, Finland
  • P: Portugal
  • A: Austria
  • I: Italy, Ireland
  • N: Netherlands
  • A: Andorra, Austria
  • B: Belgium
  • M: Malta
  • S: Solvania

Visualization: Visualize your university VC (vice-chancellor) Goes For sPAIN with euro currency and send A Big sMS.

4. Pound: It is the currency of South Sudan, United Kingdom, Lebanon, Egypt, Syria, Cyprus.
Trick: at a LakE’s corner, SUresh prepares for SSC.

  • L in LaKE’s: Lebanon
  • E in LaKE’s: Egypt
  • S in SUresh: South Sudan
  • U in SUresh: United Kingdom
  • SSC: Syria, Sudan (North), Cyprus.

Visualization: Visualize yourself sitting with your friend SUresh at a corner of a LakE and preparing for SSC exams.

5. Dinar: It is the corrency of Bahrain, Iraq, Serbia, Kuwait, Tunisia, Sudan, Algeria, Jordan, Libya.
Trick: BISKuTS factory in JALandhar.

  • B in BISKuTS: Bahrain
  • I in BISKuTS: Iraq
  • S in BISKuTS: Serbia
  • K in BISKuTS: Kuwait
  • 2nd T in BISKuTS: Tunisia
  • 2nd S in BISKuTS: Sudan
  • J in JALandhar: Jordan
  • A in JALandhar: Algeria
  • L in JALandhar: Libya

Visualize: you goes to a BISKuTS factory in JALandhar that uses DINAR as currency.

6. Ruble: It is the corrency of Russia & Belarus.
Trick: RUBle
Ruble currency itself is easily rememberable as both countries names first letter is in the name ruble itself.

  • RU in RUBle: RUssia
  • B in RUBle: Belarus

Visualize: no need

7. Peso: It is the currency of Philippines, Uruguay, Mexico, Argentina, Dominician Republic. Chile, Colombia, Cuba countries.
Trick: PUMA spreaDs its business to 3 Countries.

  • PUMA – Philippines, Uruguay, Mexico, Argentina
  • D in spreads: Dominician Republic
  • 3 C – Chile, Colombia, Cuba

Think: PUMA, the big brand spreaDing its business to 3 countries (Chile, Colombia, Cuba) in PESO countries

8. Rial: It is the currency of Iran, Cambodia, Yemen & Oman.
Trick: shoot a vIdeo with Camera & upload to YOutube – rial.

  • I in vIdeo: Iran
  • C in Camera: Cambodia
  • YO in YOutube: Yemen, Omen

Visualization: think yourself shooting a vIdeo with your mobile Camera & uploading it to YOutube (rial).

9. Yen & Yuan Currencies

  • JapaN: yeN
  • ChiNA: yuAN.

10. North Korea & South Korea currency: Won
Trick to remember Currency: Korea Won the match.

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