Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) had successfully conducted Staff Nurse (Female) written exam on 10 April, 2022. The commission had conducted this exam at various centres in different districts.
Now the latest update comes here is that result of Staff Nurse exam has been declared on 30.05.2022.
The selection of candidates is going to be done on the basis of this written examination (85% weightage) and experience (15% weightage). A total of 1022 candidates declared qualified in this test. Now UPPSC had declared result of staff nurse written exam. The result is available at uppsc.up.nic.in and can be checked using link below.
Earlier UPPSC has invited online applications for advertisement no. A-1/E-1/2022 for 558 posts to be filled through Staff Nurse Sister Grade-2 (Male/Female) Examination 2022. Now UP Staff Nurse Result has been declared and available at direct link below.
Check Result – Click here
This article is originally published by ExamFormIndia.in.